Hello world!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Melissa. I’m 35 years old, a mother to two wonderful girls, and I live in Florida.

This is new territory for me, sharing my story so openly. I’m not usually someone who talks about myself or my experiences, but the past 11 years in America have been transformative. So much has happened to me that I feel it’s time to share what I’ve learned. I hope that by opening up, I can help others who are on similar paths or considering big changes of their own.

A bit about my journey
I came from a small town in Brittany, France, where I had a happy life with my family. I’ll never forget those early years. But at 16, something happened during my first job that altered the course of my life. It’s a story that has followed me, one that’s shaped who I am today.

In this blog, I’ll talk about everything from immigration challenges to personal growth, raising a family, and finding my path in a new country. More has happened to me here in these 11 years than in my previous 24 years in France, and I believe sharing these experiences might resonate with someone out there.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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